General Information

a name and address
1 Type of library university [University]
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution University of Edinburgh Main Library / University of Edinburgh
3 Address George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LX
4 Phone / Fax / Email (+44 131 651 5041
5 Name of the director of the library Sheila E Cannell
6 Contact person for enquiries (Lesley Bryson
b population served
7 Current readership, number of registered readers 33 000 (full time equivalent)
8 Number of full time students 23 436 (headcount)
9 Number of part time students 5 538 (headcount)
10 Number of staff in institution 7 800
c the old/original building(s)
11 Total floor area 27 693 m² (built in imperial measures, 298,081 m²)
12 Number of reader seats 1 750
13 Total capacity of shelving 63 223
14 …in open access storage 43 756
15 …in closed access stacks 43 756
16 Number of library staff 185
17 Opening hours to the public 07.30-02.30 (19 hours per day), 34 weeks. Reduced hours (various) out of termtime