General Information

a name and address
1 Type of library Cooperative storage facility
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution Kooperative Speicherbibliothek Schweiz (Cooperative Storage Facility Switzerland)
3 Address Grabenmattstrasse 15, 6233 Büron
4 Phone / Fax / Email 0041 41 932 00 00
5 Name of the director of the library Mike Märki
6 Contact person for enquiries Mike Märki, Dr. Ulrich Niederer
b population served
7 Current readership, number of registered readers NA
See answer no 21. The storage facility is serving five libraries.
8 Number of full time students Universität Luzern: 2774, PH Luzern: 1846, HSLU (Hochschule Luzern): 5913
9 Number of part time students Universität Luzern: 286, PH Luzern: 566, HSLU (Hochschule Luzern): 4364
10 Number of staff in institution Universität Luzern: 744, PH Luzern: 605, HSLU (Hochschule Luzern): 1555
c the old/original building(s)
11 Total floor area NA
See answer no. 21. The storage facility serves five libraries and has no precursor.
12 Number of reader seats NA
13 Total capacity of shelving NA
14 …in open access storage NA
15 …in closed access stacks NA
16 Number of library staff NA
17 Opening hours to the public NA