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General Information

a name and address
1 Type of library university
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution Hochschule Fulda- University of Applied Sciences
3 Address Leipziger Straße 123, Fulda
4 Phone / Fax / Email +49 661 9640 9810
+49 661 9640 9804
5 Name of the director of the library Dr. Marianne Riethmüller
6 Contact person for enquiries Berthold Weiß
+49 661 9640 9802
b population served
7 Current readership, number of registered readers 15311
8 Number of full time students 7367 [The total number of students is 8,022]
9 Number of part time students 655
10 Number of staff in institution 481 [481 full time equivalents, 583 persons]
c the old/original building(s)
11 Total floor area 1281 sq. metres [Year 2012]
12 Number of reader seats 69 [Year 2012]
13 Total capacity of shelving 5319 linear metres [Year 2012]
14 …in open access storage 4183 linear metres [Year 2012]
15 …in closed access stacks 1136 linear metres [Year 2012]
16 Number of library staff 33 [Year 2012]
17 Opening hours to the public 60 h. /week, 267 days/year [in year 2012]

The New Building

a architect(s)
18 Firm ATELIER 30 Architekten GmbH, Bäderasse 1, 34123 Kassel
19 Project Architect Thomas Fischer, Ole Creutzig
20 Type of project
b aims of the new building
21 Short description of the main objectives and purposes of the project By creating central work and study places the University & State Library (HLB) created conditions that are considered essential for a sustainable success and meaningfulness of a long-term disputed integration of the two libraries. Information opportunities and quality of information can only then meet the requirements of currently discussed and required strategic concepts.
The constant development of HLB as a modern, multi-media library, information and knowledge management system, as a competence centre for all questions concerning the information and media literacy, media provisioning and brokerage, information searches and placement using modern technology - takes place for the benefit of the university and the region. Thus making legitimate the construction of the University & State Library as the only academic library and Fulda University as the largest educational institution for Fulda and its region in the radius of 100 km.
The library capacity distributed over two locations has been exhausted for many years, a further development is possible in the sufficiently sized new integrated library.
c special features
22 Site see no. 23
23 Architecture Emerged from a design competition from 2009, the university and state library is a part of a conglomerate of existing buildings. The university claimed the unused barracks in immediate vicinity and uses it according to its original purpose for administrative tasks. The library is one of three newly added elements and together with the two other new buildings gives the central campus a new identity. Seen from urban planning viewpoint, the newly formed square connects the current and new buildings, creating sightlines and path relations in the public space. Resting on the square, the library acts as an intermediary of the campus: The height difference of the ground is skilfully overcome with a natural stone staircase thus forming a conclusion for the ensemble of the cafeteria, library and student service centre.

The library building has three floors. The entrance is oriented consistently to the newly generated centre and is fitted with wood-based composite panels. Thus, the entrance contrasts with the limestone facade and is easy to read for students and visitors. Similarly, the roof terrace is marked with wood-based composite panels and is recognizable from afar.
The interior of the building is clearly structured as a library and makes the orientation for students and visitors easy: An atrium with a central staircase connects all floors with one another. Daylight penetrates through the skylights into the atrium. Plenty of white in combination with wood radiate the necessary calmness for reading and learning. A reading cafe on the 2nd floor with an adjoining rooftop terrace provides space for both communication and relaxation.
By its external and internal aesthetics the building conveys what such a building should be able to - provide a space for science and contemplation.

Technical Information

24 Total gross floor area 6780 sq. metres
divided into
25 Open access services
special rooms for (26-29)
26 Audiovisual
27 Computers
28 Special collections 58 sq. metres
29 Seminar room(s)
special activities (30-32)
30 Exhibition space
31 Lecture hall
32 Public refreshments 65 sq. metres
33 Administration and staff areas 572 sq. metres
34 Closed access stacks 175 sq. metres
35 Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc. 2130 sq. metres
36 Further information 1 ground floor, 2 upper floors, management /staff area is not accessible for the public
37 Number of reader seats (total) 315
divided into
38 Audiovisual
39 Computers 45 [Number of computer workstations, including 1 PC for the visually impaired and 1 multimedia PC]
40 Seminar room(s) 22 [11 individual study rooms (carrels) and 11 group work rooms]
41 Regular
b total potential capacity of shelving
42 Books and periodicals (total) 505000 volumes [The goal is fixed by 505.000 vol.]
43 Open access stacks
44 Closed access stacks
45 Compact shelving
46 Audiovisual materials
47 Other
48 Number of staff required to operate the new library 13 [Total staff number operating at this location. For the mere opening of the building 2 persons are needed.]
c mechanical features
49 Ventilation/Air Conditioning Activated heating / cooling beams
50 Heating Activated heating / cooling beams
51 Lighting Linear pendant lamps, table lamps, downlights
52 Acoustics Open access area: flooring (carpet), ceiling (perforated plasterboard ceiling), wall (acoustic plaster). Workrooms: ceiling (perforated plasterboard), walls (micro-perforated cladding).
53 Lifts, elevators, escalators Two elevators (for internal and public use)
54 Book transportation system
55 Theft detection RFID tags / MK Solutions
56 Building management system Building systems controlled and regulated by microprocessor-based system. Management level above automation level integrates it into central building control system.
57 Type of IT infrastructure Lan CAT7, 1GBit/s

Wlan 802.11 a/g/n/ac
58 Other

Schedule Of The Building Process

59 Planning, preliminary brief 2009-2011
60 Architectural competition 1st Prize in competition 2009
61 Period of project
62 Opening of the construction work 2011
63 Conclusion of the construction 2011-2013
64 Furnishing and moving the collections 2013
65 Opening of the new building for public 15.08.2013

Costs (Including Taxes)

66 Site
67 Building 11500000 euro
68 Furniture and equipment 374000 euro
69 Fees
70 Total 14674000 euro [Not the total cost. Three buildings were constructed, for example the cost of outdoor facilities is missing.]
71 Operating costs
72 Funding (Type of commission and source of funding) Public

Publications & Awards

Architecture day 2014

Plans & Photos

doctype: plan PDF document
caption: Ground Floor Plan
copyright owner: ATELIER 30 Architekten GmbH
doctype: plan PDF document
caption: Section
copyright owner: ATELIER 30 Architekten GmbH
doctype: plan
caption: Modell - Situation
copyright owner: ATELIER 30 Architekten GmbH
doctype: plan
caption: Modell - Situation
copyright owner: ATELIER 30 Architekten GmbH
doctype: exterior
caption: Library exterior
copyright owner: Hochschule Fulda
doctype: exterior
caption: Library exterior
copyright owner: Hochschule Fulda
doctype: interior
caption: Library interior
copyright owner: Hochschule Fulda
doctype: interior
caption: Library interior
copyright owner: Hochschule Fulda