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General Information

a name and address
1 Type of library university [Four faculties of the UCL are served by this Library: Sciences, Bioeng.-Agriculture, Polytechnical School, Architecture-Urbanism]
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution Bibliothèque et Learning center des sciences et technologies / Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
3 Address Place L. Pasteur 2 Bte L4.02.01 - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (BELGIUM)
4 Phone / Fax / Email 00-32-(0)
5 Name of the director of the library Brodkom, Frédéric
6 Contact person for enquiries Brodkom, Frédéric
b population served
7 Current readership, number of registered readers All publics are free to come in the UCL libraries. UCL students and staff members have an automatic inscription
8 Number of full time students 4645 [FTE students of the LLN Campus in the four faculties served by the Library]
9 Number of part time students No distinction with those of the question 8.
10 Number of staff in institution 595 [FTE staff members of the LLN Campus in the four faculties served by the Library]
c the old/original building(s)
11 Total floor area 6330 sq. metres [All included]
12 Number of reader seats 450
13 Total capacity of shelving 19500 linear metres
14 …in open access storage 4400 linear metres
15 …in closed access stacks 10300 linear metres
16 Number of library staff 10 [Staff students not included]
17 Opening hours to the public 56 hours/week and 245 days/year

The New Building

a architect(s)
18 Firm Université catholique de Louvain - CEIU: Cellule d'études immobilières et urbaines
19 Project Architect Le Paige, Michel; Deferière, Carole; Lienard, Céline
20 Type of project (Renovation of a 6 levels buidling (1973) hosting laboratories. The former Library is become the University Museum (art, archeology, etc.))
b aims of the new building
21 Short description of the main objectives and purposes of the project The new project aims to integrate the classical Library services and ressources and a new Learning center with facilities for teaching, research and social activities.
c special features
22 Site The new Library is located in the University Campus of Louvain-la-Neuve close to the faculties desserved and student housing.
23 Architecture Renovation project, the former building has been entirely open and refurbished: strengthening structures, new glass façades and lightening, new locals, new furnitures, access, tc.

Technical Information

24 Total gross floor area 7172 sq. metres [Including 303 m² of new closed stores in the neighboring building.]
divided into
25 Open access services 3770 sq. metres [On 5 levels open to publics, including large open spaces, special rooms and collections.]
special rooms for (26-29)
26 Audiovisual 64 sq. feet [2 rooms of 8-pl. and 2 rooms of 4-5 pl. equipped with flat sreen
1 visioconference room of 18 pl.]
27 Computers 72 sq. metres
28 Special collections 197 sq. metres [Maps collection and special collection about Congo.]
29 Seminar room(s) 288 sq. metres [6 seminar rooms of 8-10 pl. for teachers and staff, 19 group works rooms of 4-5 pl. for students.]
special activities (30-32)
30 Exhibition space 172 sq. metres [Exhibition area dedicated to posters (seminar of research, activities for students) and cultural activities.]
31 Lecture hall 205 sq. metres [3 rooms of 41 pl. with data projector.]
32 Public refreshments 70 sq. metres [With 22 high chairs and armchairs, kitchen corners, beverage distributors.]
33 Administration and staff areas 247 sq. metres
34 Closed access stacks 1123 sq. metres [Including 303 m² of new closed stores in the neighboring building.]
35 Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc. 964 sq. metres
36 Further information 6 levels with 5 in public access, excellent WIFI coverage at all levels
37 Number of reader seats (total) 719 [All seats for users, armchairs (117), high chairs included.]
divided into
38 Audiovisual 42 [Rooms with flat screen/audio facilities and visioconference room.]
39 Computers 29 [IT rooms and PC dispacthed in the Library and Learning center.]
40 Seminar room(s) 247 [In seminar rooms, class rooms and group works rooms.]
41 Regular 401
b total potential capacity of shelving
42 Books and periodicals (total) 13210 linear metres
43 Open access stacks 7580 linear metres
44 Closed access stacks 5620 linear metres
45 Compact shelving
46 Audiovisual materials 10 linear metres
47 Other The map collection occupies special furnitures on 80 m²
48 Number of staff required to operate the new library 10
c mechanical features
49 Ventilation/Air Conditioning The Library is equipped with a double-flow system ad free-cooling.
50 Heating Static heating connected to the urban network (cogeneration).
51 Lighting LED lighting in hallways and reception desk.
52 Acoustics Acoustic panels (administration, visioconference room).
53 Lifts, elevators, escalators One existing lift given to new standards.
54 Book transportation system -
55 Theft detection Theft gantries ans access control.
56 Building management system Centralized management of heating, flow and solar input.
57 Type of IT infrastructure Fully connected with WIFI and computer sockets coupling to the optical fiber of the University network.
58 Other New double glazing, etc.

Schedule Of The Building Process

59 Planning, preliminary brief July 2012
60 Architectural competition July 2012 - December 2012
61 Period of project Public market > Tender in December 2012
62 Opening of the construction work April 2013: asbestos removal - September 2013: work begins
63 Conclusion of the construction 12 months
64 Furnishing and moving the collections Summer 2014
65 Opening of the new building for public September 23rd 2014

Costs (Including Taxes)

66 Site Land and building owned by the University.
67 Building 8750000 euro
68 Furniture and equipment 285000 euro
69 Fees Architects / Engineers of the University.
70 Total 9035000 euro
71 Operating costs
72 Funding (Type of commission and source of funding) University (private) funding.

Publications & Awards

no publication actually
no publication actually

Plans & Photos

doctype: exterior
caption: Facade (West) new BST
copyright owner: (c) Damien Dumoulin (UCL-AREC)
doctype: exterior
caption: South view of the new BST
copyright owner: (c) Damien Dumoulin (UCL-AREC)
doctype: interior
caption: Level 1 of the new BST
copyright owner: (c) Denis Vasilov (UCL-AREC)
doctype: interior
caption: Group works room
copyright owner: (c) Frédéric Brodkom (UCL-BST)
doctype: exterior
caption: Renovation of the former building in 2012-2013
copyright owner: (c) Frédéric Brodkom (UCL-BST)
doctype: interior
caption: Level 1 of the new BST - multimodal space
copyright owner: (c) Frédéric Brodkom (UCL-BST)
doctype: interior
caption: Studying alone
copyright owner: (c) Denis Vasilov (UCL-AREC)
doctype: exterior
caption: View in elevation lateral facades
copyright owner: (c) Damien Dumoulin (UCL-AREC)
doctype: plan PDF document
caption: Level 0 with reception desk, cafeterai, adminsitration, etc.
copyright owner: (c) Julie Scheurs (UCL-ADPI)
doctype: plan PDF document
caption: Level 1 with social spaces, studying tables, etc.
copyright owner: (c) Julie Scheurs (UCL-ADPI)
doctype: plan PDF document
caption: Level 2 with shelves, group works rooms, etc
copyright owner: (c) Julie Scheurs (UCL-ADPI)
doctype: plan PDF document
caption: Level 3 with shelves and tables
copyright owner: (c) Julie Scheurs (UCL-ADPI)
doctype: plan PDF document
caption: Level 4 with shelves and tables
copyright owner: (c) Julie Scheurs (UCL-ADPI)