a |
floor area (24-35) |
24 |
Total gross floor area
7172 sq. metres [Including 303 m² of new closed stores in the neighboring building.] |
divided into |
25 |
Open access services
3770 sq. metres [On 5 levels open to publics, including large open spaces, special rooms and collections.] |
special rooms for (26-29) |
26 |
64 sq. feet [2 rooms of 8-pl. and 2 rooms of 4-5 pl. equipped with flat sreen
1 visioconference room of 18 pl.] |
27 |
72 sq. metres [Fully equipped with 19 PCs and data projector, 15 more in various places of the Library and Learning center.] |
28 |
Special collections
197 sq. metres [Maps collection and special collection about Congo.] |
29 |
Seminar room(s)
288 sq. metres [6 seminar rooms of 8-10 pl. for teachers and staff, 19 group works rooms of 4-5 pl. for students.] |
special activities (30-32) |
30 |
Exhibition space
172 sq. metres [Exhibition area dedicated to posters (seminar of research, activities for students) and cultural activities.] |
31 |
Lecture hall
205 sq. metres [3 rooms of 41 pl. with data projector.] |
32 |
Public refreshments
70 sq. metres [With 22 high chairs and armchairs, kitchen corners, beverage distributors.] |
33 |
Administration and staff areas
247 sq. metres |
34 |
Closed access stacks
1123 sq. metres [Including 303 m² of new closed stores in the neighboring building.] |
35 |
Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
964 sq. metres |
36 |
Further information
6 levels with 5 in public access, excellent WIFI coverage at all levels |
37 |
Number of reader seats (total)
719 [All seats for users, armchairs (117), high chairs included.] |
divided into |
38 |
42 [Rooms with flat screen/audio facilities and visioconference room.] |
39 |
29 [IT rooms and PC dispacthed in the Library and Learning center.] |
40 |
Seminar room(s)
247 [In seminar rooms, class rooms and group works rooms.] |
41 |
401 |