Technical Information

a floor area (24-35)
24 Total gross floor area 6400 sq. metres
divided into
25 Open access services 5750 sq. metres
special rooms for (26-29)
26 Audiovisual
27 Computers PCs are located in study areas throughout the library. Chromebook laptops are also available on free loan.
28 Special collections 355 sq. metres [These include the Booker Prize Archive, National Brewing Library, Jane Grigson Collection, Ken Hom Library, and the Andre Deutsch Collection]
29 Seminar room(s) 200 sq. metres [Includes 3 student presentation rooms, 2 training rooms and 1 student meeting room]
special activities (30-32)
30 Exhibition space
31 Lecture hall
32 Public refreshments Catered and vended services are available throughout the building
33 Administration and staff areas 650 sq. metres
34 Closed access stacks
35 Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
36 Further information Services and facilities are spread over 6 floors
37 Number of reader seats (total) 988
divided into
38 Audiovisual
39 Computers 269 [Includes open and silent area PCs]
40 Seminar room(s) 56 [Includes 3 student presentation rooms, 2 training rooms and 1 student meeting room]
41 Regular 663 [Agile mix of silent, quiet and group zones, with individual and social learning spaces]
b total potential capacity of shelving
42 Books and periodicals (total) 7820 linear metres
43 Open access stacks 5461 linear metres
44 Closed access stacks 2359 linear metres
45 Compact shelving Used for open and closed access and is Included in 43 and 44.
46 Audiovisual materials
47 Other
48 Number of staff required to operate the new library 57
c mechanical features
49 Ventilation/Air Conditioning Exposed thermal mass (concrete), cools the building by absorbing heat during the day which is removed overnight.
50 Heating Similarly, heat is stored by the concrete during the winter, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature for building users.
51 Lighting Daylight is maximised throughout the building, with large windows a feature of all reading rooms.
52 Acoustics Acoustic baffles absorb sound, reducing overall noise in open spaces.
53 Lifts, elevators, escalators 2 (1 for public use and 1 for staff use)
54 Book transportation system Manual trolleys
55 Theft detection 3M detection
56 Building management system A combined heat and power plant helps to achieve a double-figure percentage reduction in overall energy consumption.
57 Type of IT infrastructure
58 Other Other features including solar panels, a ‘green’ planted roof and recycling of rainwater help to reduce the building’s environmental footprint.