General Information

a name and address
1 Type of library national [Nationalbibliothek, Archivbibliothek]
2 Name of library / Name of mother institution DNB - Standort Leipzig / Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
3 Address Deutscher Platz 1, 04103 Leipzig
4 Phone / Fax / Email +49 341 2271-0
+49 341 2271-444
5 Name of the director of the library Generaldirektorin Dr. Elisabeth Niggemann
6 Contact person for enquiries Michael Fernau
(Direktor in Leipzig)
b population served
7 Current readership, number of registered readers 9414 [Standort Leipzig; DNB gesamt: 24.327]
8 Number of full time students keine Angabe
9 Number of part time students keine Angabe
10 Number of staff in institution keine Angabe
c the old/original building(s)
11 Total floor area 62000 sq. metres [Stand: 1.1.2011. Bestand der DNB/Standort Leipzig insgesamt ca. 14,5 Millionen Medieneinheiten]
12 Number of reader seats 536
13 Total capacity of shelving 231390 linear metres
14 …in open access storage 65300 volumes [= ca. 2.000 lfd. m Regale]
15 …in closed access stacks 100% des Bestandes
16 Number of library staff 354
17 Opening hours to the public Leipzig: 79 Std./Woche, 296 Öffnungstage/Jahr