a |
floor area (24-35) |
24 |
Total gross floor area
18 828 m² GIFA |
divided into |
25 |
Open access services
2 131 m², comprising three special collections reading rooms with adjacent open access areas, Enquiries Area, seminar rooms and Centre for the Study of the Book. |
special rooms for (26-29) |
26 |
Range of AV facilities distributed across spaces below. |
27 |
105 m² 17-seater Digital Media Centre with hi-end facilities. Other computing distributed. |
28 |
Special collections
642 m² of special collections curatorial office accommodation. |
29 |
Seminar room(s)
A total 143 m² comprised of 4 seminar and group study rooms. |
special activities (30-32) |
30 |
Exhibition space
A treasures gallery (120 m²) and a changing exhibitions gallery (164 m²). |
31 |
Lecture hall
120 m² 112-seater Lecture Theatre with fixed raked seating. |
32 |
Public refreshments
878 m² open plan Blackwell Hall atrium with 120-seater café and potential for special events catering for 250 seated, temporary exhibitions. |
33 |
Administration and staff areas
808 m² Conservation, 67 m² staff common room, 72 m² staff/reader café, 53 m² Admissions Office, 216 m² Imaging Studio, (642 m² curatorial offices excluded here, see 29 above). |
34 |
Closed access stacks
7 415 m² across three basement levels, |
35 |
Circulations areas (corridors, stairs, lifts), toilets, technical rooms, etc.
2 769 m² |
36 |
Further information
3 basement levels, 3 principal above ground levels, central ‘floating’ core with 5 levels. Public access to Ground Floor. |
37 |
Number of reader seats (total)
293 |
divided into |
38 |
N/A |
39 |
31 |
40 |
Seminar room(s)
44 |
41 |
218 |