- A) General Information
- B) The New Building
- C) Technical Information
- D) Schedule Of The Building Process
- E) Costs (Including Taxes)
- F) Publications & Awards
- G) Plans & Photos

General Information
a | name and address | |
1 | Type of library | university [university] |
2 | Name of library / Name of mother institution | Centrum Informacji Naukowej i Biblioteka Akademicka (CINiBA), The Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library (Polish acronym: CINiBA) / Joint library of the University of Silesia in Katowice and the University of Economics in Katowice |
3 | Address | Bankowa St.11a St., 40-007 Katowice, Poland |
4 | Phone / Fax / Email | (+4832 786 50 50, info@ciniba.edu.pl) |
5 | Name of the director of the library | Professor PhDr. Dariusz Pawelec |
6 | Contact person for enquiries | (Jadwiga Witek) |
b | population served | |
7 | Current readership, number of registered readers | 33 600 (Library of the University of Silesia) + 12 100 (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) + region |
8 | Number of full time students | 22 360 (Library of the University of Silesia) + 8/9. 11 100 (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) |
9 | Number of part time students | 8 800 (Library of the University of Silesia) |
10 | Number of staff in institution | 2440 (Library of the University of Silesia) + 1000 (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) |
c | the old/original building(s) | |
11 | Total floor area | 14 835 m² (Library of the University of Silesia) + 1328 m² (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) |
12 | Number of reader seats | 273 (Library of the University of Silesia) + 169 (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) |
13 | Total capacity of shelving | 550 000 volumes (Library of the University of Silesia)+ 341 000 volumes (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) |
14 | …in open access storage | 42 374 volumes (Library of the University of Silesia) + 92600 volumes (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) |
15 | …in closed access stacks | 510 000 volumes (Library of the University of Silesia) + 269 373 volumes (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) |
16 | Number of library staff | 100 (Library of the University of Silesia) + 47 (The Library of the University of Economics in Katowice) |
17 | Opening hours to the public | 54 hours/week, 324 days/year |